Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 3 - Technically combined

So if you read my last post a few hours ago you know that I had some trouble with Enomondo's GPS tracking software for my run on the 25th. I did manage to export the 2 files to google earth, trace a new track over the 2 older ones and come up with exactly how far I traveled. Using the data I also had the start time of the first bit, the start time of the second bit and the duration of the second bit, doing a little bit of elementary math, came up with the 50 minute run/walk/hike. Bonus, Endomondo automatically calculates the kcals you burned based on the distance traveled.

So here is the newly created exported and revised run from Aug. 25th.
and again, any input to what you think looks better, Sports-Tracker or Endomondo would be appreciated. I already have an Idea of what I prefer, but outside input is definitely wanted.

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